Peran Diplomasi Pertahanan Dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Kerja Sama Program KFX/IFX Indonesia-Korea Selatan
Abstrak -- Implementasi kebijakan kerja sama program KFX/IFX mengalami penundaan dikarenakan adanya kendala pada ketersediaan anggaran pertahanan. Meskipun telah dilakukan evaluasi, program harus tetap dilanjutkan karena menyangkut pencapaian kepentingan nasional di bidang pertahanan pertahanan udara. Oleh karena itu, terdapat dua rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini, yakni bagaimanakah kepentingan Indonesia dalam kerja sama program KFX/IFX Indonesia-Korea Selatan? dan bagaimanakah peran diplomasi pertahanan terhadap implementasi kebijakan kerja sama program KFX/IFX Indonesia-Korea Selatan, khususnya dalam melancarkan program tersebut yang sempat tertunda?.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dihimpun melalui proses wawancara dengan informan dari berbagai Kementerian/Lembaga terkait. Kemudian didukung dengan studi literatur. Proses analisis data di dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan lima teori dan konsep yang digunakan, yaitu peran, kepentingan nasional, strategi, negosiasi internasional dan diplomasi pertahanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepentingan Indonesia dalam program ini melibatkan banyak sektor pada Kementerian/Lembaga nasional. Sehingga, dalam upaya memenuhi tujuan akhir kemandirian pertahanan nasional maka setiap sektor tersebut memiliki andil dalam menentukan aspek-aspek yang akan dinegosiasikan ulang terhadap pihak Korea Selatan. Dengan demikian, bentuk diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam upaya melanjutkan program kerja sama KFX/IFX adalah dengan membentuk Tim Renegosiasi. Tim Renegosiasi bertugas sebagai aktor dalam upaya menjalankan diplomasi terhadap DAPA, JPMO dan KAI. Tim terdiri dari K/L dan konsultan hukum serta industri yang berperan secara tertutup dalam merumuskan aspek-aspek yang perlu direnegosiasi, kemudian peran terbuka untuk secara langsung melakukan diplomasi terhadap pihak Korea Selatan.
Kata Kunci: peran, diplomasi, program KFX/IFX, tim renegosiasi, kepentingan nasional
Abstract -- The policy implementation in KFX/IFX cooperation programme has been delayed due to the problem in defense budget availability. However, after the evaluation to the programme has been done. It conclude that the programme shall be continued in case to achieve the national interest of defense sector through Minimum Essential Force fulfillment, specifically in air defence. Therefore, there are two research question appear in this research. Firstly, how is the national interest of Indonesia in KFX/IFX cooperation between Indonesia-Republic of Korea, specifically in purpose to reinforce the delayed programme and how is the role of defense diplomacy in policy implementation of KFX/IFX cooperation programme Indonesia-Republic of Korea .This research used qualitative approach. Data has been collected through interview process with informants from various related Ministry/Institution. The research then supported by literature study. The process od data anlaysis in this research has been done with comparing the five used theories and concepts, which are Role, National Interest, Strategy, International Negotiation and Defense Diplomacy. The result showed that national interest of Indonesia in this programme involves many sectors in Ministry/Institution. Therefore, in the effort to fulfil the goalof the independency of national defense industry, so every sector has their own contribution on determining the aspects of renegotiation with Republic of Korea’s side. Finally, the form of Indonesia’s defense diplomacy in continuing KFX/IFX cooperation programme is by building a renegotiation team. Renegotiation team is in charge as an actor for committing diplomacy action with DAPA, JPMO and KAI as RoK representative. The team consists of related Ministry/Institution, Law and Industry consultant. It played part as covert role in constructing the renegotiations aspects, yet as overt role in holding the diplomacy way to the Korean side.
Keywords: role, diplomacy, KFX/IFX programme, renegotiation team, national interest
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