
  • Lian Yuanita Andikasari Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Ashar Saputra Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Fikri Faris Universitas Gadjah Mada


Kata Kunci:

Bencana, Gempa Bumi, Indeks Resiliensi


Klaten Regency is one of the areas affected by the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake disaster. Several sub-districts experienced the impact of this disaster, including Wedi Sub-District, Gantiwarno Sub-District, and Prambanan Sub-District. The earthquake caused casualties and damage in Klaten Regency. An earthquake disaster is a disaster that can occur at any time, so there is a need for community preparedness in facing disasters by knowing community resilience. This research aims to measure the community resilience index of the three sub-districts in facing earthquake disasters. This research was conducted on 359 respondents, namely 144 respondents in Wedi Sub-District, 103 respondents in Gantiwarno Sub-District, and 112 respondents in Prambanan Sub-District. Respondents filled out the questionnaire by looking at 4 (four) aspects, namely social aspects, economic aspects, institutional or institutional aspects and physical aspects. Data analysis uses the Guttman scale and there are 5 (five) categories of resilience index levels, namely very low, low, moderate, high, very high. The calculation results show that the Wedi Sub-District resilience index value is 1.18; Gantiwarno Sub-District was 1.16; Prambanan Sub-District is 1.11 and the three sub-districts are in the moderate category.


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Cara Mengutip

Andikasari, L. Y., Saputra, A., & Faris, F. (2023). PENGUKURAN INDEKS RESILIENSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP BENCANA GEMPA BUMI DI KABUPATEN KLATEN. Jurnal Manajemen Bencana (JMB), 9(2), 73–90.