
  • Aris Sarjito Universitas Pertahanan
  • Yusuf Ali Universitas Pertahanan
  • Andy Fefta Wijaya


This research is a qualitative research that aims to identify and describe the results of a policy evaluation of the Main Essential Force (MEF) of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Navy (TNI AL). The focus of the research is the effectiveness of the MEF Policy of the Indonesian Navy's Main Components. Data and information obtained by in-depth interviews, observation and documentation.               The results of the study indicate that effectiveness has not been achieved because the MEF of the Navy's Main Components is not in accordance with the target. The ability of the main tools and weapons systems is largely not yet equipped with the latest technology and integrated systems, so that it cannot quickly and timely identify, deter and adjudicate threats. MEF Policy The main components of the TNI AL are basic forms of power that must meet certain standards and have deterrence effects. The conclusion shows that the MEF Policy of the Navy's Main Components has not been effective against the community's need for sea water security, because there are still violations.Keywords: policy evaluation, effectivity, main component, minimum essential forces



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