
  • Edy Saptono Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia
  • Tatar Bonar Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia
  • Deni Ahmad Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia


This research was conducted at PT. Pindad (Persero) is a State-Owned
Company Strategic Industries in the field of defense located in the city of Bandung, West Java.Business activities of PT. Pindad (Persero) covers munitions field, weapon, special vehicle, forging product and cast, industrial machine product and commercial explosive to support the independence national defense equipment. Based on the phenomenon, it shows the performance of PT. Pindad (Persero) employees relatively still doesn’t optimal which marked with fluctuation of company profit, likewise with the motivation and work
stress in not optimal level with a high employees’s attendance. The purpose of this study to assess and analyze descriptive and verification of motivation, work stress, and employees’s performance. This research uses quantitative method. Sampling using proporsional stratified random sampling. Data collection using questionnaries method. The Research analysis used descriptive and verivative analysis with regression analysis technique. Results from descriptive studies to prove that motivation and employees’s performance is good categories and work stress employees’s is low. The results verivikatif proved that motivation has a positive and significant impact on employees’s performance with an influence value of 74.82%, work stress has negative and significant effect on employees’s
performance with influence value 6,97% and motivition and work stress simultaneously have positive and significant effect on employees’s performance with influence value 81,4% while the rest 18,6% influenced by other variable.

Keywords : Motivation, Work Stress, and Employee Performance.


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