Food security is still a problem for the Indonesian people. Efforts to improve food security are an effort to realize the formidable Space, Tools, and Condition of Fighting for the total defense system. This increasing effort can be supported by indigenous communities who can feed themselves so that it does not become a burden to the country. However, various policies on food security have not focused on empowering indigenous communities. Indigenous communities such as the Samin community has the potential and values to improve food security. This study aims to explore the management of the Samin community in preserving their agrarian culture and how the agrarian culture of the Samin community supports food security for the total defense system. Samin community in this study focussed on Kudus Regency. The potentials of the Samin community are analyzed based on management theory, such as Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. While the food security of the Samin community is analyzed based on Availability, Access, Utilization, and Stability. This research uses the qualitative exploratory method. Data processing is done using NVivo 11 Plus software and analysis techniques using Soft System Methodology (SSM). The results of the study shown that the management of the Samin community preserved an agrarian culture for food security very well. This is reinforced by allocating their agricultural products for self-consumption, donating, and selling Thus, the Regional Government of Kudus Regency can empower the Samin community as a pilot project to increase food
Keywords: The Management of Samin Community, Agrarian Culture, Food Security, Soft System Methodology, NVivo, Total Defense System
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