
  • Andi Irsan Universitas Pertahanan RI



Abstract - Bais TNI is the implementing agency at the level of TNI Headquarters directly under the commander in charge of organizing activities and strategic intelligence operations as well as the construction of strategic strength and intelligence in order to support the Duty of TNI. Intelligence operations based on its functions there are 3 (three) namely research intelligence operations, security intelligence operations/counter-intelligence, and intelligence-raising operations. The fundraising operation by Bais TNI in the country was carried out in conflict areas/former conflicts as in Aceh by issuing a task force raising to the operating area. The implementation of the raising operations in the former conflict area in Aceh can be executed optimally task. But in fact, the ability of the task force to raise the Bais TNI in Aceh in 2018 is considered not optimal and has not been in accordance with expectations, so it is necessary to analyze an ability that is expected to be the optimal achievement of the task. The research aims to analyze the ability of the task force to raise the Bais TNI in Aceh in 2018 and efforts to improve the ability of the task force to raise the Bais TNI. The qualitative research method of descriptive analysis is based on the philosophy of Postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects where the researcher is a critical instrument, sampling data sources Conducted following the achievement of research objectives. The results showed that the ability of the task force to raise the Bais TNI in Aceh in 2018 is not optimal in some indicators and experienced many shortcomings, such as in terms of personnel skills, education, and several personnel and support facilities Infrastructure. Efforts that can be implemented to improve the force's ability are to improve the quality and quantity of personnel. The intelligence education, skills in tactics and techniques of raising, the recruitment of Taskforce personnel who are Qualified and modern infrastructures in the implementation of tasks so that the achievement of tasks can be optimal.

Keywords: intelligence operations raising, ability



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How to Cite

Irsan, A. (2022). COMMUNITY KEEPER IN MILITARY OPERATIONS (CASE STUDY IN ACEH 2018). Strategi Dan Kampanye Militer (SKM), 8(1), 1–25.