Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) Strategi dan Kampanye Militer merupakan salah satu program studi dari Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, yang mempunyai tugas melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang memiliki kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran tertentu dalam 1 (satu) jenis pendidikan akademik, pendidikan vokasi, dan/atau pendidikan profesi di bidang pertahanan negara dan bela negara sesuai bidang program studi Strategi dan Kampanye Militer. Program studi Strategi dan Kampanye Militer memiliki sebuah jurnal yang bertujuan untuk mendiseminasikan hasil penelitian di bidang Strategi dan Kampanye Militer yang berwawasan nasional dan internasional berdasarkan pengetahuan spesifik Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada identitas, nasionalisme dan integritas, nasionalisme dan integritas kebangsaan. Universitas Perrtahanan Indonesia (UNHAN) en-US Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2830-3261 SATUAN PEMELIHARAAN 220th AIRLIFT WING DAN MODERNISASI ANGKATAN BERSENJATA FILIPINA In the ever-changing global security landscape, the Philippines is dedicated to modernizing its Armed Forces (AFP). The 220th Airlift Wing, a crucial component of the Philippine Air Force, plays a vital role in air mobility operations. However, the Wing faces challenges in maintaining optimal operational readiness, particularly in intermediate level maintenance capabilities. This research aims to develop strategies to strengthen intermediate level maintenance within the Wing, enhancing operational readiness to support the AFP effectively. A comprehensive approach based on the DOTMPLF framework is proposed to address the issues. The study's findings will provide valuable insights to improve aircraft maintenance, bolster operational readiness, and support the Philippines' defense and socio-economic endeavors. Furthermore, the study uses a qualitative method with descriptive analysis as its methodology. Collecting data will be through field research, enabling direct information gathering from the source. Additionally, formal interviews and desk research utilizing internet resources will be conducted and employed. In conclusion, the further development of the intermediate level maintenance is needed to improve operational readiness of the 220th Airlift Wing. This will result in benefits not only for the PAF but to the whole Filipino nation as well. Limuel G Salazar Bastari Bastari Buddy Suseto Copyright (c) 2023 Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 9 2 1 16 10.33172/skm.v9i2.14564 PEMELIHARAAN RUDAL AIR TO GROUND DALAM RANGKA MENDUKUNG TUGAS TNI AU The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) as an integral part of the Indonesian National Army plays a crucial role in maintaining and defending the sovereignty of the nation. However, the TNI AU faces several challenges in maintaining air to ground missiles, which are a vital part of the air defense system. Challenges such as limited maintenance facilities, the quality and quantity conditions of personnel, and insufficient software affect the implementation of maintenance. Therefore, this research will examine the maintenance strategy of air to ground missiles in order to increase the operational readiness and training of the TNI AU in maintaining the security of Indonesian airspace. The research method used is qualitative, using a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to missile maintenance. This research is conducted at Maintenance Depot 60 with informants chosen purposively. The results of the SWOT analysis will be used as a reference in determining the strategy in the maintenance of air to ground missiles. It is concluded that maintenance facilities, personnel, and software significantly influence the implementation of air to ground missile maintenance Dwi Wahyu Irianto Sovian Aritonang Ansori Ansori Copyright (c) 2023 Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 9 2 17 39 10.33172/skm.v9i2.14562 WAY FORWARD FOR STRENGTHENING ASEAN'S CAPACITY AND RESILIENCE IN THE ADMM-PLUS Artikel ini mengeksplorasi perjalanan ASEAN dalam kerangka ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus), dengan fokus pada penguatan kapasitas dan ketahanannya di tengah tantangan lanskap geopolitik yang terus berubah. Kerangka kerja ADMM-Plus, yang dimulai pada tahun 2010, memfasilitasi kerja sama pertahanan dan keamanan yang melibatkan mitra dialog eksternal, yang bertujuan untuk memastikan perdamaian di seluruh Asia-Pasifik. Meskipun ASEAN menghadapi kompleksitas seperti meningkatnya persaingan militer, ketegangan perbatasan, dan sengketa Laut Cina Selatan, secara internal, negara-negara anggota bergulat dengan permasalahan dalam negeri, konsekuensi perubahan iklim, keamanan energi, ancaman maritim, dan risiko dunia maya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami kapasitas historis dan terkini ASEAN dalam konteks ADMM-Plus. Untuk menilai tantangan dan ancaman yang berdampak pada ketahanan ASEAN dalam domain keamanan regional. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif mengadopsi gabungan data primer dari wawancara dan dokumen resmi ASEAN, dengan data sekunder dari sumber akademis, yang menyajikan pandangan holistik tentang keterlibatan ASEAN dalam ADMM-Plus. Analisis ini menggarisbawahi kapasitas ASEAN yang beragam, mulai dari interoperabilitas militer dan negosiasi diplomatik hingga kemajuan digital dan tanggap bencana. Selain itu, ketahanan ASEAN, yang tercermin dalam stabilitas politik, vitalitas ekonomi, strategi keamanan, dan kohesi sosial budaya, juga ditekankan. Untuk meningkatkan perannya dalam ADMM-Plus di tengah berkembangnya skenario keamanan Indo-Pasifik, rekomendasinya mencakup pembentukan Pusat Penggabungan Informasi ADMM-Plus, meningkatkan Kesadaran Domain Maritim, memprioritaskan keamanan siber, dan membentuk Satuan Tugas Khusus untuk Keamanan Hayati. Secara meyakinkan, ADMM-Plus tetap penting dalam menumbuhkan kepercayaan dan tindakan kolektif, menekankan perlunya langkah-langkah keamanan yang proaktif dan komprehensif untuk memastikan Asia Tenggara yang harmonis Rudy Sutanto Priyanto Priyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 9 2 40 58 10.33172/skm.v9i2.14561 SISTEM PERTAHANAN UDARA BERLAPIS DALAM MENGHADAPI ANCAMAN PERPINNDAHAN IBUKOTA NUSANTARA (IKN) The relocation of the Ibu Kota Nusantara is based on regulations contained in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital. With the transfer of the Ibu Kota Nusantara, there will be threats from military threats, non-military threats, and hybrid threats. Therefore, Indonesia needs to form a defense strategy so that it is able to prevent the threats. The purpose of writing this manuscript is to provide advice and input to the TNI and TNI AU in determining further policies in terms of defense strategies to deal with air threats in order to ensure the security of the Ibu Kota Nusantara. The method used in the preparation of this manuscript using a qualitative descriptive method, collect data and information that is useful as supporting facts in research writing. The data collection technique used was through literature study from various literature books, laws and regulations, and internet media to be used as references. In order to deal with air threats in the context of ensuring the security of the Ibu Kota Nusantara, an air defense posture is needed which is built and developed in accordance with the implemented defense strategy. Through a good national air defense strategy, it is hoped that it will be able to deter threats that exist in Ibukota Nusantara (IKN). Yusuf Nugroho Bastari Bastari Buddy Suseto Copyright (c) 2023 Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 9 2 59 86 10.33172/skm.v9i2.14560 DUKUNGAN LOGISTIK LANUD SOEWONDO PADA PENYELENGGARAAN PENANGGULANGAN BENCANA DALAM RANGKA OPERASI MILITER SELAIN PERANG The Indonesian Air Force is the armed force responsible for the defense operations of the Republic of Indonesia in the air. Soewondo Air Force Base is part of the Indonesian Air Force Operational Command I based in Medan, North Sumatra, which has twelve disaster risk threats, namely earthquakes and tsunamis, extreme waves and abrasion, forest and land fires, floods, volcanoes, landslides, floods. Flashes, droughts, epidemics, and plagues. The Indonesian Air Force needs adequate logistical support to carry out disaster management tasks. Frequent disasters and areas of North Sumatra Province that are difficult to reach when disasters occur make it difficult for aid to be distributed. Thus, the role of the Indonesian Air Force is vital in assisting disaster management. The purpose of this study is to analyze logistical support, the use of logistics, and logistical support strategies in implementing disaster management at Soewondo Air Force Base in non-war military operations. This research uses qualitative method, data collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. The study results show that the logistical support for Soewondo Air Base for Disaster Management is currently through the provision of aircraft used in sending aid, preparing personnel, using the airfield as a temporary hospital, and other logistical assistance such as setting up tents. Logistical support for disaster management in the Soewondo Air Base area still comes from the BPBD and the local Regional Government. This research has implications for improving logistical support strategies in implementing disaster management in the air operations area of Soewondo Air Base in the context of military operations other than war Bonggosna H. P. Sagala Mhd Halkis Rudy Sutanto Copyright (c) 2023 Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 9 2 87 110 10.33172/skm.v9i2.14565 PENGEMBANGAN FLIGHT MONITORING SYSTEM MODE-S BERBASIS OFFLINE MEWUJUDKAN KEMANDIRIAN TEKNOLOGI PENERBANGAN Technological independence is important for every country in global competition. One of the technological advancements developed by the Indonesian government through BPPT is Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) type in, which functions as a flight monitoring system. The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) through Depohar 50 (Depot Maintenance 50) has also developed ADS-B type in, which is currently deployed in six radar units known as the Flight Monitoring System (FMS) Mode-S. Accordance with government regulations (Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 81 of 2017), the government has mandated the use of ADS-B for flight safety. ADS-B has two types, in and out. In the TNI AU, ADS-B out is installed on aircraft such as Grob, KT-1, and Cessna, while ADS-B in is installed on Weibel radar. However, since ADS-B is not yet installed on TNI AU aircraft, flight data from the Air Traffic Control (ATC) was communicated to the pilots, hence, they can be aware of the air traffic situation. Furthermore, due to the increasing air traffic, communication with ATC has become limited. A qualitative method was used in the development of the ADS-B type in TNI AU aircraft, and the previous ADS-B type in development could only be installed on the ground station. The information received from ADS-B on the aircraft was real-time air traffic, which helps pilots make decisions to enhance flight safety, such as reducing the risk of aircraft collisions. The use of this technology on TNI AU aircraft is important for improving flight safety and technological independence. Langgeng Andy S. Sovian Aritonang Copyright (c) 2023 Strategi dan Kampanye Militer (SKM) 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 9 2 111 125 10.33172/skm.v9i2.14563