Currently, Information Technology has developed very rapidly and affects all fields, including the implementation of the TNI's tasks, namely Binter. The Human Resources of Kodam Jaya requires the competency to utilize information technology. The condition of the competency Kodam Jaya of Binter and the competency to adapt for using information technology in the implementation of Binter is the object of this research with the formulation of the problems such as how is the competency of the Human Resources of Kodam Jaya in the field of information technology at this time, how are the obstacles faced in utilizing Information Technology in the implementation of Binter at Kodam Jaya and how Strategy to increase the capacity of Binter Kodam Jaya based on Information Technology to support operational readiness. The purpose of this study is to analyze the formulation of the problem using qualitative methods based on strategy theory, competency theory, information technology theory and territorial management theory to analyze the ability of territorial development in Kodam Jaya based on current information technology; the obstacles faced in utilizing information technology in the implementation of Binter at the Kodam Jaya; as well as a strategy to increase the capacity of Binter Kodam Jaya based on Information Technology to support operational readiness. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, indirect observation, document study and FGD. The results of the study show that the ability of Kodam Jaya territorial soldiers in mastering information technology is still limited by utilizing devices to support the implementation of Binter so that a strategy is needed to overcome the obstacles faced and requires leadership transformation in the form of giving orders to the members directly. Further research is recommended to examine the problems of increasing capacity in the field of information technology for the successful implementation of Binter in supporting operational readiness.
Keywords: Binter, Competency, Information Technology, Strategy Readiness
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