The threat of terrorism continues to grow and increasingly complex, the Army as a major component of national defense has the main task and is prepared to overcome these threats. However, faced with the performance of army soldiers in the field, they have not been able to carry out their main tasks optimally. Soldier's performance in terms of quality of work, quantity of work, initiative, cooperation and obedience. This study aims to analyze strategies to improve the performance of Yonif Raider 500 / Sikatan soldiers in overcoming the threat of terrorism in the region. The qualitative method was chosen as a research method with descriptive analysis technique, where the personnel of Yonif Raider 500 / Sikatan as informants and data / information in the form of reports as secondary data. From the research conducted, the results show that the performance of soldiers in conditions is quite good, but still needs to be improved so that efforts to tackle terrorism are more optimal. Steps and efforts going forward are carried out through: Increasing the knowledge of Yonif Raider 500 soldiers / Attitudes on terrorism (patterns, actions and horns); The alertness of soldiers in carrying out work that tends to be sudden; Improved communication skills and the provision of rewards and punishments so as to be able to increase obedience as well as to foster the motivation of the soldiers. The importance of the performance of the Battalion 500 Raider soldier / Sikatan, because it will be able to overcome the threat of terrorism in the region optimally.
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