One manifestation of the Indonesian Army’s task in helping accelerate development in the regions is the implementation of the Indonesian Army Entered the Village (TMMD). Implementation of TMMD by Kodim 0609/Kab. Bandung which has been running for a long time and the impact caused by the implementation of TMMD, it is necessary to know and measure the performance of Kodim 0609/Kab. Bandung in implementing TMMD so that the program can continue and be sustainable. This study uses a quantitative method with Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling techniques with a number of samples taken from several personnel at Kodim 0609/Kab. Bandung, as many as 110 people and aims to obtain an overview of the influence of the TMMD program against the acceleration of development in the District of Kertasari. From the results of the T Test show that the professional variables of soldiers and community participation have a positive and significant direct effect on the performance of Kodim 0609 / Kab.Bandung in the TMMD program. This is reinforced by the data from the results of the Parsiile Determination Coefficient Test where the professional variable of soldiers gives an effect of 21.03% and the ability variable gives an effect of 66.9%. Furthermore, from the F Test results obtained F count of 40.754 and F table of 3.080 because Fcount> Ftable (40.754 > 3.080) means simultaneously the two independent variables consisting of professional soldiers and community participation have a positive and significant direct effect on the Performance of District Military Command 0609 / Kab. TMMD program.
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