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scatterhitam Strategi Perang Semesta 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Helda Risman, M.Han., CIQaR Open Journal Systems <div style="text-align: justify;"><p><strong>Strategi Perang Semesta</strong> (Total War Strategy) is a journal published by the Faculty of Defense Strategy, the Republic of Indonesia Defense University. Strategi Perang Semesta is an interdisciplinary journal which is mainly concerned with the field of defense and war theory and analysis. Whilst attempting to be scholastic, Strategi Perang Semesta is designed for exchange of ideas, methodological approaces in defense studies, and supporting academic development as well as involved in the analysis of war, defense and military strategy.</p><p>Strategi Perang Semesta is a journal focused on strategic studies promoting the fresh thinking among scholars and practitioners alike. The specifying feature of Strategi Perang Semesta is it dedicates to interdisciplinary spheres to the study of defense and war. It is designed to be a forum for exchanging perspectives, ideas, and concepts among scholars and practitioners. It is open for articles discussing and analyzing a wide range of modern warfare, defense policy and modern strategy.</p><p>The editors welcome contributions to Strategi Perang Semesta that fall within the following subject categories:<br />1. Warfare and Strategy<br />2. Defense politics, policy, and intelligence<br />3. transformation of war and contemporary security issues<br />4. territorial defense, homeland security, and low-intensity operations<br />5. historical patterns, social and legal aspect of war, defense and armed forces</p>.<p> </p></div><table class="data" width="665" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Journal title</td><td width="525"><strong>Strategi Perang Semesta</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Other variant title</td><td width="525"><strong>Total War Strategy</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Accreditation</td><td width="525"><strong>-</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Frequency</td><td width="525"><strong>2 issues per year (June and December)</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">DOI</td><td width="525"><strong> 10.56555/sps</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Online ISSN</td><td width="525"> <strong>2830-2877</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Editor-in-chief</td><td width="525"><strong>Helda Risman</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Publisher</td><td width="525"><strong>Universitas Pertahanan RI, Prodi Strategi Perang Semesta</strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Citation Analysis</td><td width="525"><strong><a href=";view_op=list_works&amp;gmla=AJsN-F78-kple6Esvz5_rD6Z411yqPilHlWNuTWlCBcIa39e9z0JqJLW1511gOTw9f69A0KhMDom4cykB45BEZaFIp7W624u9JP3T2N1L6cIf9sNxwjpAfabbEHFG5ZhPvnfNegOqejt&amp;user=sbSbzdYAAAAJ" target="_blank">Google Scholar</a> </strong></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="130">Acceptance Ratio</td><td width="525"><strong>50 %</strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Analysis of The Russia-Ukraine War Based on Giulio Douhet's Airpower Theory and as The Best Practice For Indonesia's Air Force 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Agus Kartomo Tri Legionosuko Helda Risman <p><em>The Russia-Ukraine war is a conventional war that happened in the modern era. The war shows that airpower is dominant in attacking strategic targets. Hight precision missiles use to avoid civilian casualties even though they still happen. From the perspective of airpower, it is exciting to analyze according to Giulio Douhet's theory. The result and discussions from the Russo-Ukrainian war from an air power perspective show that Douhet's theory is still relevant, but some adjustments are needed. Nowadays, attacking before declaring war breaks the war law. Making civilian casualties is against a human right. Another adjustment is due to technological advances in air power, so air power is a strategic target at the beginning of the war. This paper uses a descriptive-analytical method by analyzing data obtained from open sources.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta Securitization of tourism activities to defend national interest 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Galih A Putra Helda Risman <p><em>Indonesia's current dynamic of tourism activities brings about positive impacts such as increasing the GDP and making good diplomatic relations. On the other hand, it can also create security threats, including terrorism, crime, and a new variant of the COVID-19 virus appearance. These issues impacted many stakeholders from the states up to the society. This research aims at explaining the securitization of tourism activities interfered with the defense of Indonesia's national interests by conducting a descriptive analysis method based on data from books, previous research, and some regulations. It portrays many challenges faced by Indonesia and the opportunities they get to defend national interest from the securitization of tourism activities. It also shows that the government's strategy in measuring security threats needs to be done hand-in-hand with all stakeholders to increase the effectiveness.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta Social media and its influencers: A study of Indonesian state-defending strategy in the 21st century 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Antonius Widodo Muhammad Hadianto Wirajuda Joni Widjayanto <p><em>Globalization can be seen in almost every aspect of people's lives, especially in the influence of advances in information and communication technology, including the Internet, the emergence of various social media platforms, and the rise of social media influencers in society. With the active role of social media influencers and social media penetration among Indonesian people, the Indonesian government can take advantage of this phenomenon to strengthen strategic programs called State-Defending Program. The development of the state-defending program by the MoD to enhance national defense and character needs to adapt to technological developments. Social media can answer this challenge. By optimizing the functions of social media and influencers in supporting defense governance and state defense, the MoD, as the leading sector, needs to put forward new communication strategies and methods to expand the spectrum of influence for state-defending for all levels of society in Indonesia. Finally, this study aims to analyze the development of the state-defending program and its challenges, as well as the state-defending development strategy implemented by the Ministry of Defense through social media engagement.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta Battle of Ambarawa from the perspective of the universe war strategy 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Syamsul Hilal Afrizal Hendra Tri Legionosuko <p><em>The battle in Ambarawa was reasonably crucial in the history of the Struggle of the Indonesian nation because the battle of Ambarawa was one of a series of events to maintain independence during the revolution. How the application of the universal war strategy in the battle of Ambarawa is carried out by the warrior figures and the goals to be achieved in Palagan Ambarawa, and the impact resulting from the battle becomes the goal of this historical research in addition to making historical knowledge that may one day be lost. The method used in this study is a historical method that follows the flow from heuristic steps, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The Universal People's War Strategy or Incumbent System with Supit Urang tactics applied to the Battle of Ambarawa brought success and victory, apart from the factors of the superiority of infantry tactics and techniques, the superiority of the number of personnel deployed, the management of field administration operations Field logistics and better field health and the integration of operations involving all components of the nation. The victory in the battle in Ambarawa had a significant positive impact on the Struggle for the nation's daughters in cultivating a sense of trust in one's strength in continuing his Struggle, both militarily and politically.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta The urgence of developing strategic petrolium reserve (SPR) for Indonesia in facing military or non-millitarian threats 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Setiawan Wijayanto I Wayan Midhio Muhammad Hadianto Wirajuda <p><em>A country has strong energy security if it meets numerous criteria, including the availability of energy at reasonable rates, simple access to energy, and being totally accepted by the community while remaining environmentally conscious. Building a Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) or a Petroleum Buffer Reserve is one strategy to attain national energy security (CPM). Many countries already have SPRs and are members of the International Energy Agency as a means of ensuring state uniformity in achieving national energy security and defending against the prospect of a global energy crisis. Several factors must be considered when developing the SPR to ensure that it is correctly developed in accordance with its objectives and benefits.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta Increasing the values of the state defense among youth in fighting the threat of radicalism 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Tommy Mandala Putra I Wayan Midhio Deni D.A.R. <p><em>State defense awareness is the right and obligation of every citizen. Observing Article 27 Paragraph (3) and Article 30 Paragraph (1), it implies that efforts to defend the state in defending state are the rights and obligations of every citizen without exception. In terms of defending the country, youth need to improve their understanding of the values of defending the country so that they can ward off the threat of radicalism that continues to occur. Youth in the future will experience various threats, such as the threat of radicalism to terrorism. So, to overcome the existing threat, increasing the values of defending the country for youth is the right step in maintaining youth nationalism and patriotism as a form of love for the homeland. Improvement can be implemented through the method of defending the country and the design of materials that are relevant to the psychological characteristics of young people. Overcoming youth dislocation and social deprivation through social inclusion programs. And planting religious insight (religiosity) that is integrated with national insight.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta Strengthening the state defense and building an attitude of nationalism by implementing the universe war strategy in the era of globalization 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Mohammad Iqbal Dwi Prasetyo Priyanto Priyanto I Wayan Midhio <p><em>Defending the State in a broad sense is not only in dealing with the military but also non-military threats. In the era of globalization and the rapid progress of science and technology, the forms of threats are very varied and complex; only nations that have competitive advantages can compete and win this competition. So that this research is intended to find out more about how defending the country awakens an attitude of nationalism, and the Universal War Strategy can be implemented in dealing with one form of war in the globalization era. The method used in this study is to use a phenomenological qualitative descriptive method, where the researcher will apply and apply his subjectivity and interpersonal skills in the process of exploratory research. The researchers assess that there is a correlation between state defense and nationalism with the implementation of a universal war strategy with efforts to deal with the war in the era of globalization, which must be spelled out more specifically in terms of the application of universality to improve the character of the nation, especially the younger generation to increase further their sense of nationalism towards the State of Indonesia because they are candidates for continuing the nation's struggle and development in the future.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta Security dilemma: Upholding Indonesia's independence and active foreign policy 2022-12-31T10:15:33+00:00 Azwar Amar Ma'ruf Helda Risman <p><em>The world condition where there has been a war between Russia and Ukraine and the involvement of the US has had a drastic impact on the international political system. As the two superpowers in the world today and not forgetting about China, Indonesia which has Independence and an Active Foreign Policy must face this challenge whether to choose one side or remain as a non-aligned movement country. This research focuses on the point of view where Indonesia is in a security dilemma between remaining as a non-aligned movement country or choosing to side with one of these superpowers.</em></p> 2022-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Strategi Perang Semesta