
  • Ayu Dhiya Gusmiarti Universitas Pertahanan RI




The European Union (EU) is the biggest cooperation within the Europe continent that has been going for a long time ago with its dynamics following the shifting of the global order. The United Kingdom (UK) which used to become a member of this union was recently withdrawn from the EU. The process of the left of the UK from the EU was first made in the first referendum and at the second referendum, the UK was decided to step back and known as the BREXIT. The reason behind it all mostly was in the social and economic burden. As the consequences of the Brexit, there are several impacts that can be felt by each actor, from the UK, the EU and its membership, and even the rest of the world order. Also causing some dilemmas and dynamics in the global order, and the shifting that will give the changing agreement between the UK, the EU, and the EU member states.


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