
  • Muhammad Akhyar Marpaung Universitas Pertahanan RI



A new security pact, the so-called AUKUS – Australia, United Kingdom, United States, was just established on September 15th, 2021. Australia is promised to be aided in building its sophisticated military capability, including the most anticipated one, the nuclear submarine. Amid a deteriorating relationship with the emerging power, China, the three countries concluded a decision which led to the intensification of rivalries among great power. Between the mentioned confronting parties, southeast Asian countries apparently divided yet felt a security dilemma in responding to the establishment of AUKUS. Either it refuses any military projection effort or considers the AUKUS as a balancing manoeuvre due to China’s assertive behaviour in the South China Sea. Geographically and politically Indonesia is the key actor. This article discusses how Indonesia’s strategy should be composed on addressing the threat posed by AUKUS in the regional stage. We investigate the importance of building our own national capability to deter any upcoming threat. Defence industries find their relevance in this situation. We suggest that Indonesia should put the building and developing its national defence industries as a major agenda of the strategy for addressing current and future security threats.


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