
  • Kodagoda Janaka Ranaweera The Republic of Indonesia Defense University



The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is taken as an example to describe the national interests, ends, means, and ways of the foreign policy analysis of the country. This analysis tries to identify the spectrums of foreign policy challenges currently faced by Sri Lanka today. The spectrum is based on national interests, national security, and the strategic environment (domestic and international) of Sri Lanka. The conceptual framework is based on Terry Deibel's strategic logic approach to the analysis of Sri Lanka's national strategy options. In the national interests, the means, and the ways of foreign policy that should be taken by Sri Lanka and assess how the above elements interact with each other in the foreign policy decision-making process. This paper further discusses external and internal actors, core issues, and strategic options available for Sri Lanka based on its, geostrategic location, national security, and national interest. Having understood that this paper discussed: National Strategy (Options) for shaping Sri Lanka’s Foreign Policy – Managing Domestic and International Challenges and Opportunities for the future.


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