
  • Adelia Alviani Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Ayu Dhiya Gusmiarti Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Descenda Angelia Putri Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Hassan Raza Hashmi Unviersitas Pertahanan RI



The strategic benefits related to the newly selected capital city location are also dreaded by added challenges. On one hand, IKN is comparatively safer from natural disasters like being away from fault lines, earthquakes, storms, and floods; at the same time shifting the leadership of the country will also shift the centre of gravity to the new city exposing it to enhanced Mil and non-Mil threats. Therefore, this shifting of capital is also associated with the country’s Defence Forces’ development of new infrastructure and laying down renewed policies ensuring the defence of the newly built IKN and the government therein. While referring to the IKN as a new COG its security becomes an s national interest, which can be exploited by both Mil and non-Mil, actual and potential threats.


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