1 Diplomasi Pertahanan Indonesia dalam Membangun Identitas Berbeda di antara Negara- Negara di Kawasan Asia Tenggara


  • Adhit Prayoga Universitas Pertahanan




The country acts based on its political identity, where several elements like interactions,
norms, culture, status, and state history are able to form this identity. Every country has
a different way to understand its element, which generates different identities, policies,
and strategies between countries in the international system. The purpose of this study
is to explain the accumulation of identity-forming elements that form the identity of free
and active foreign policy in Indonesia. This research was prepared using the perspective
of Constructivism, the theory of Free and Active Politics as well as Defense Diplomacy.
This research used descriptive qualitative research methods in which the research data
was obtained through a literature review. The results of this research indicate that
Indonesia, through an understanding of the elements forming identity, has formed a free
and active foreign policy identity. Indonesia uses free and active identity to achieve
national interests and maintain its existence in the international system. With a different
political identity from Indonesia, other countries in Southeast Asia tend to cooperate
with either the United States of America or China. Through the implementation of free
and active foreign policy, Indonesia is the only neutral country in Southeast Asia which
means that Indonesia is in the middle of both superpowers.
Keywords: Political Identity; Free and Active; National Interest; Tendency; and


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