Memperluas Agenda Studi Keamanan Nasional: Politik, Hukum dan Strategi


  • Binsar Simorangkir Universitas Pertahanan



National security is the first and foremost responsibility of a nation. A nation is
considered a strong nation once it is able to secure the livelihood of the people and the
wellbeing of the nation itself. Yet the world is evolving quickly and new technologies and
innovations bring about new threats and opportunities towards national security. This
article aims to describe the expansion of politics, laws, and strategies within the study of
national security. Content analysis method will be used in this article. From more than
20 articles referenced here, it can be summarized that changes in strategic environment
is heavily affected by the latest industrial revolution, the industry 4.0. Thus, this brings
about new challenges such as cyber threats. The researcher then concluded that these
threats could affect a nation strategically. These threats then focused on political threats
of collective security, current law threats which requires cyber law, and strategic threats
which is cyber security.
Keywords: National Security, Strategy, Politic, Law


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