Keberhasilan dan Kegagalan Indonesia dalam Kebijakan Kontraterorisme


  • Raka Gusfi Wisesa Universitas Pertahanan



The threat of terrorism as an international political agenda has become a special
concern in the discussion of all global institutions in the world in the field of defense
and security. In an effort to deal with the threat of counterterrorism, Indonesia as a
country is also involved in facing the threat of terrorism. For more than 20 years,
Indonesia has pursued policies to tackle counterterrorism. This article discusses and
evaluates how Indonesian policies address terrorism and its implications for the
development of counterterrorism in Indonesia. The author departs from the
assumptions and theories of terrorism, counter terrorism, and realism in the review of
national security. The author concludes that there needs to be an interdisciplinary
study involving both military and non-military aspects, strategic efforts in making
counter-terrorism policies, and the existence of resolutions that make terrorism a

Keywords: decolonialization, defense diplomacy, national security, counter terrorism


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