AUKUS Alliance: United States Strategic Interest in Indo-Pacific


  • Audry Anjani Danindra Novita The Republic of Indonesia Defense University



This research talks about the United States’ interests in Indo-Pacific through an alliance called AUKUS, which consists of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The United States, as a great power, has its focus on maintaining and strengthening security and alliances in the world. As the conflict in the South China Sea arose, the United States focused its strategy on preventing the conflict in the region; hence, the United States allied with Australia and United Kingdom. The research examines the strategy and national interests of the U.S. in the Indo-Pacific region through AUKUS. This research uses a qualitative method, exploring national interests, the means and ways of foreign policy, and the decision-making process on the United States' interest through AUKUS in Indo-Pacific.


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