
  • Haryati Haryati The Republic of Indonesia Defense University



The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention is very important because in addition to reflecting the results of the international community's efforts to codify existing international law provisions, it also describes a progressive development in international law. This 1982 Law of the Sea Convention has an effect on economic life, especially for countries that get additional sea areas. This can happen because the potential sources of marine wealth that exist can be utilized from an economic point of view by the countries that are around them. To be able to secure and control its sea, and prevent other countries from exploiting or destroying it, that country can use sea power. The concept of sea power was introduced by Mahan, where Mahan stated the need for six basic elements to build a great sea power, namely namely a government area that has a population, population characteristics, area, physical form and geographical area. A country conducts security and control of the sea because whoever controls the sea will rule the world


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Instrumen Hukum Internasional

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