
  • Deny Wirawan The Republic of Indonesia Defense University



President Jokowi, in his vision of the World Maritime Axis, wants Indonesia to return to its nature as a maritime country, where Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world which occupies a strategic position between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean The two oceans constitute a global trade crossing route which is the driving force of the world economy Indonesia's geographic existence between the two oceans benefits Indonesia geo-economically and geostrategically Moreover, Indonesia's territory also includes the Malacca Strait and the Singapore Strait, which are the two busiest routes globally, making threats and challenges that have their maritime dimensions for Indonesia Ensuring maritime security in national and regional waters is an absolute thing for Indonesia to support global economic stability by trading various commodities in these sea routes In dealing with cross-border maritime security threats, handling by one country is not possible because it is related to the territorial sovereignty of another country, so defense diplomacy becomes one of the main pillars in the development of maritime security in Indonesia Implementing defense diplomacy in addressing maritime security disturbances will gradually increase defense capabilities This article discusses the importance of maritime security in improving Indonesia's defense diplomacy within the framework of the World Maritime Axis, with qualitative research using the content analysis method In discussing this issue, he refers to the maritime security approach and the concept of defense diplomacy.


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