Abstrak -- Konflik di Suriah telah terjadi selama 7 tahun semenjak fenomena Musim Semi Arab yang menjatuhkan rezim-rezim otoriter di Timur Tengah. Perlawanan Bashar al-Assad melawan oposisi mendapatkan sorotan utama bagi aktor-aktor internasional yang berusaha untuk meresolusi konflik tersebut. Konflik yang semula terbatas pada polarisasi berkembang menjadi perang hanya dalam waktu kurang dari satu tahun, dari konflik intra negara menjadi konflik internasional, dengan keterlibatan berbagai negara dalam upaya intervervensi dan proksi. Perang semakin diperkeruh dengan kehadiran kelompok-kelompok teror, terutama ISIS dan Jabhat al-Nusra. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka analisis tiga jenis kekerasan dalam perspektif Galtung: struktural, kultural, dan langsung perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekerasan dalam konflik Suriah agar konflik tersebut dapat dilihat secara holistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara dan studi literatur. Data diperoleh dari informan dan literatur yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Suriah memiliki tingkat kekerasan langsung, struktural dan kultural yang besar, dan dalam perang kekerasan langsung mendominasi kekerasan lainnya. Kekerasan yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh faktor internal dan politik internasional yang mempengaruhi.
Kata kunci: konflik Suriah, musim semi Arab, Johan Galtung
Abstract -- Syrian conflict has been occurred for more than 7 years since Arab Spring phenomenon overthrew many authoritarian regimes in Middle East. Civilian fights against Bashar al-Assad came under the spotlight in international world for its escalation that shifted rapidly over the years until it became a civil war fused with terrorism and international interventions. It became more complicated with the existence of many rebel groups and state sponsors behind their activities, which increased the destruction capacity of those groups and terrorists. Identification among actors are blurry since one actor has more than one role, and also those groups separated and fused because of the differences in goals. Based on that background, analyze three types of violence according to Galtung: structural, cultural, and direct violence is needed to discover violence in Syria therefore the conflict would be perceived holistically. This research is uses qualitative method of interview and literature research. The result of this research shows that Syria has a high level of direct violence, structural violence and cultural violence, in this case direct violence dominated the others during the civil war. The domination of direct violence triggered the growth of structural and cultural violence, therefore the loop of violence must be ended. Those violence are the result of the accumulative of internal factors such as the failure of the government to settle mass protests, separatist movements inside Syrian Army, tentions between sects and international politics that are related.
Key words: Syrian Conflict, Arab Spring, Johan Galtung
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