
  • Shinta Rayana Kartika Putri Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia
  • Amarulla Octavian Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia
  • Sovian Aritonang Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia


Since 2014, President Joko Widodo has launched a policy to make Indonesia as Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF), followed in 2017 issued Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2017 on Indonesia Maritime Policy (PR 16/2017 on IMP) including Indonesia Marine Policy Action Plan of 2016-2016 as ministries and agencies guidance in carrying out their respective responsibilities, including the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (MOD). The research problem is how the implementation of Indonesian as PMD’s policy in defense management’s perspective in MOD. Policy analysis of implementation with defense management is seen from five aspects: planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and monitoring. Theories used in the research are Public Policy Theory, Public Policy Implementation Theory, Concept of Stakeholder Perception, Concept of State Defense, Concept of Defense Management and Maritime Fulcrum Concept. This research uses qualitative method, Soft System Methodology (SSM) analysis technique to approach the problem with comparison of thinking system and real world in a structured and assisted by NVivo software to process data triangulation. The results of the research shows that stakeholder perceptions, stakeholders in MOD understand the meaning of GMF and maritime defense in PR 16/2017 on IMP, but not yet fully aligned and there is no discussion and formulation of specific ways to align perception. In the aspect of policy implementation in the perspective of defense management, MOD undertook the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and supervising, but there is no formal basis in ministry level based on the stages of defense management published by MOD, and in terms of supporting and inhibiting factors of policy implementation, there are no specific identification and follow-up.

Key Words: Policy Implementation, Defense Management,Global Maritime Fulcrum, Ministry of Defense, Soft System Metholodology.


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