
  • Ribka Kezia Harefa Universitas Pertahanan
  • Pujo Widodo Universitas Pertahanan
  • Makmur Supriyatno Universitas Pertahanan


Borders are important part of state's sovereignty and becomes a fortress of any kinds of threats. Threats on the security of natural resources is one form of non-military threat that affects the security of the country. Betung Kerihun National Park is adjacent north to the Malaysian borders; making it vulnerable to threats. The purpose of this research is to analyze the threat of security towards the management of Betung Kerihun National Park (TNBK), the efforts made to overcome the security threat, and the management of TNBK on the Indonesia-Malaysia border. The research implements a qualitative methodology using in-depth interviews followed by analyzing the primary and secondary data. The results show that the security threats of TNBK are agarwood theft, gold mining, illegal logging, wildlife trafficking, lack of security staff, absence of security forces (Satgas Pamtas) on the northern boundary of TNBK, and JIPP development. The efforts to overcome security threats are preventive, preemptive, and repressive. The management of TNBK on the Indonesia-Malaysia border to protect border security include management functions of planning, organizing, leading (directing), and evaluating. Although the northern boundary of the national park is at national borders, but the security duty remains the responsibility of the military (TNI). The role of TNI needs to be improved in protecting the border of the country that lies on the northern boundary of the national park and the need for enhanced coordination and cooperation between TNI and TNBK. TNBK also needs to manage the buffer zone to overcome the threats made by the community around the national park.

Keywords: Security Threats, Border Security, Management, National Parks



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