
  • Mutiara Zahidah Eka Putri Universitas Pertahanan
  • Suyono Thamrin Universitas Pertahanan
  • Tatan Kustana Universitas Pertahanan


Mid Life Modernisation (MLM) is warship modernization program that occurs when the operating age has reached its economical age limit. In the implementation of MLM, almost all instruments in the warship are replaced, both the Command Management System (CMS) and the driving system. During the first stage of MLM, modernization of KRI Fatahillah-361 corvette conducted through cooperation between the Ministry of defense of Indonesia and Ultra Electronics from the United Kingdom was hampered due to budgetary problems and emergent work. This research is aimed at finding the cause of the issue through George R.Terry’s classical management theory of Planning,Organizing, Actuating, Controling (POAC), as well as employing main weapon systems procurement concept in accordance to Presidential Regulation Number 70 Year 2012on the procurement of goods and services. The research employs qualitative approach through interviews to obtain the required primary data and then analyse the primary and secondary data. The results show that the planning and execution phases need to be improved. The planning phase needs to be improved in terms of budgetary aspect. Delays in the implementation phase affect the price increase in the technical specifications. Meanwhile, contract drafting is the factor that hinders the MLM implementation, which causes a lot of losses to the states’s budget and goes against the term stated in Presidential Regulation Number 70 Year 2012.

Keywords : Mid Life Modernisation, Warship, Management Analysis, Procurement of Goods and Services,policy implementation


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