
  • Muhammad Fahrian Yovantra Universitas Pertahanan
  • M. Afifuddin Universitas Pertahanan
  • Herlina J.R. Saragih Universitas Pertahanan


Terrorism is an issue faced by all nations in the region of Southeast Asia. Because of its perpetrator are non-state actors and it is transnational by nature, addressing this issue requires cooperation among countries in the region. ASEAN as a regional organization in Southeast Asia recognizes the importance of cooperation to address this issue. Thus, in 1997, the AMMTC forum was established which was mandated to address the issue of terrorism and other transnational crimes in ASEAN. Indonesia as one of the ASEAN member countries also faces the issue of terrorism. Due to its cross-border nature, cooperation in the AMMTC forum to address the issue of terrorism is important to be implemented by all ASEAN member countries. To analyze this problem more deeply, the Researcher apply Cooperative Security theory, Terrorism theory, International Organization theory, Human Security concept, Transnational Crime concept, and Defense Management Concept. This research uses a qualitative methodology with a descriptive approach. The results indicate that security cooperation in AMMTC forum has been implemented comprehensively and continuously. The challenges faced exist at the national and regional levels. At the national level, Indonesia must consolidate the synergy of relevant institutions and the strengthening of adequate legal instruments for the realization of effective terrorism-handling. At the regional level, challenges arise when implementing such cooperation due to different national interests and political, economic, social and other factors.

Keywords: ASEAN, terrorism, AMMTC, Indonesia, Transnational Crime



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