
  • Filemon Fajar Kusuma Universitas Pertahanan
  • Edy Saptono Universitas Pertahanan
  • Effendi Sihole Universitas Pertahanan


Development in the border area of Indonesia is very far from the expectations that have been desired by the Indonesian nation. This has become a major homework for the government, due to the high educational, health and economic gap in the border region. This thesis is aimed to study and to find out how exactly the condition of human resource quality on the border of Indonesia-Papua New Guinea precisely in Muara Tami District of Jayapura City, and how far the support of state defense in the border region. Efforts to improve the quality of human resources in Muara Tami District can not be separated from the hard work of Jayapura City Government through its flagship programs. This research is done by qualitative approach method that is interview and field observation followed by analysis of primary and secondary data. The result is an increase in statistics on the quality of human resources in aspects of education, health and economics. However, when compared with other regions, the quality of human resources in Muara Tami District is still low. While the support of state defense conducted by TNI Security Border Task Force went well and according to the main task. The efforts of local government in improving the quality of human resources in Muara Tami District have been good with various programs run by Mayor of Jayapura and its staff. The advice given by the researcher and the homework for the government is to prepare the teaching staff, prepare the medical personnel, the development of health facilities and infrastructure, continue to move the real sector, the development of supporting infrastructure such as road widening, completion of modern market development and the development of PLBN Skouw area.

Keywords: quality improvement, human resources, border, muara tami


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