
  • I Made Chandra Mandira Universitas Pertahanan
  • I Wayan Midhio Universitas Pertahanan
  • Yusuf Ali Universitas Pertahanan


Non-military threat is a threat that threatens the integrity of NKRI. Pecalang is a small component in Bali which is actually a custom and religious security institution that can participate in securing and maintaining the integrity of NKRI. The challenges of future ash are not only for the customary territory but are empowered and even optimized to participate in national defense and security efforts. The purpose of this research is to find out what kind of challenges and threats that threaten indigenous villages and seek appropriate role change for the gamelan to answer the challenge of non-military threats in the traditional village of Sukawati. To answer the purpose of this study researchers used qualitative research methods with analytical descriptive approach whose data is presented in the form of words (mainly participant words) or drawings rather than numbers. The field findings about the challenge in the traditional village of Sukawati are the inward and outward challenge of the pecalang. The threat of nonmilitary and the like; drugs, radicalism, terrorism, and immigrant populations that can disrupt the security and comfort of the traditional village of Sukawati. The change of role in and out of the pecalang is a must, where from within itself pecalang need a stronger character education and also change the paralympic paradigm that pecalang different from the society in general when carrying out the tasks and properties of pecalang that have begun to look arrogant in need remove it to be returned to the polished, authoritative, and reputable gameplay imagery. The change in the role of the pecalang is to integrate traditional and modern management, to keep up with the times but to retain local cultural, religious and customary values.

Keywords: pecalang, transformation, nonmilitary threat, traditional village


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