
  • Raymond G.P. Hutagaol Universitas Pertahanan
  • Agus Sudarya Universitas Pertahanan
  • Khoerudin Khoerudin Universitas Pertahanan
  • Edy Saptono Universitas Pertahanan


State defense education and training program aims to empower state defense cadre who have been educated and trained in order to achieve government’s objective to create human resources availalability as part of total defense. The main challenge of Ministry of Defense is how Ministry of Defense can manage human resources, specifically its civil servants who have been equipped with state defense education and training in order to empower Indonesian defense resources. This study aims to analyze the programs planned by the Ministry of Defense in the empowerment of Ministry of Defense civil servants after obtaining education and training to defend the state and to analyze the role of civil servant who have received state defense education and training in support of Indonesia's defense system. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with data collection, conducted by in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. This study found some research results, namely: the role of civil servants of the Ministry of Defense with the status of state defense cadres have been empowered by Ministry of Defense through Refreshment Program including first aid training program, disaster management, search and rescue (SAR), and logistics management by providing disaster management materials, SAR, and logistics management so that the civil servants of the Ministry of Defense can be a disaster-responsive human resource in facing the threat of natural disasters in Indonesia as main supporting components in disaster and disaster mitigation. Furthermore, the Ministry of Defense has established the role of civil servants of the Ministry of Defense with the status of the defense state cadre as the Supporting Component in total defense system. This is because state defense education and training designed by the Ministry of Defense does not apply basic military education and training in state defense program curriculum. In facing military threats, with the capabilities owned by the Ministry of Defense civil servants as the results of the Refreshment Program, the Ministry of Defense civil servants can play an important role in providing first aid assistance and implementing useful logistics management in war conditions and in total defense system.

Key Words: empowerment, defense state education and training, defense human resources



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