
  • Erna Nuraeni Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia
  • Tatan Kustana
  • Yusuf Ali


Abstract - The 4.0 Industrial Revolution and Disruptive Innovation phenomenon have developed science and technology, the government issued the minimum essential force policy (MEF) through modernization of defense equipment including a maneuver unit. Yonkav 8/ NSW 2/Kostrad is Leopard MBT Cavalry Battalion as a government policy in order to respond to such phenomenon. The defense technology transformation in Yonkav 8/NSW which previously manned the Light Tank (Scorpion) switched to Leopard MBT with the latest capabilities made it inevitable about the possibility that the personnel capabilities of the Army would be disrupted if they did not quickly adapt and quickly understand to adopted MBT technology. These changes are not only the phenomenon of today but also for the Future which will have a significant impact on the Army organization. This research was conducted to describe the problem related to the phenomena of defense technology transformation, as well as other impacts, and what policies are formulated to anticipate it. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive causal verification approach with data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews, observations and literature studies. The results of the study show that disruptive phenomena on Yonkav 8/NSW personnel have occurred but tend to have a greater influence on the organization, this is due to the transition from Light Tank to Heavy Tank.  Yonkav 8/NSW are well prepared through the implementation of ROK 2013, and the policies to deal with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Disruptive Innovation era are through carrier by design based competency and the implementation of Talent Management in recruitment and human resource management. Therefore, this research-study suggested that to face 4.0 Industrial Revolution and Disruptive Innovation and defence equipment modernization, the Yonkav 8/NSW Battalion must be equipped with main battle tank (MBT) supporting facilities, the MBT technology proficiency through education and training, fulfillment of personnel as well as doctrine and tactics according to their MBT.

Keywords: Defense Technology transformation, Disruption, MB



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