
  • Nur Rizki Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Nugraha Gumilar Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Iroth Sonny Edhie Universitas Pertahanan RI



Abstract-The threat of pandemics and epidemics of dangerous and deadly diseases is very likely to occur in Indonesia. The spread of Covid-19 that is out of control and exceeds the capacity of the epidemic, and has made the status of the spread of Covid- 19 a pandemic outbreak. Pusziad CBRNE Company is a central-level implementing agency in the field of CBRNE. Biological threats increase and spread, such as in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, Pusziad CBRNE Company has limitations. Pusziad CBRNE Company's capability is not sufficient from the aspect of the organization, personnel resources, and equipment. This study analyzes how the strategy of Pusziad CBRNE Company in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic with qualitative research and data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world, including Indonesia with a fairly high death rate, is clear evidence of a biological threat. Biological threats in Indonesia are increasing evident with the development of bio-science and its supporting facilities in Indonesia as well as the opening up of bioterrorism actions. With increasing biological threats such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the role of Pusziad CBRNE Company becomes very important. Faced with the limitations of Pusziad CBRNE Company, the strategies that need to be suggested are reviewing the Pusziad CBRNE Company organization to be upgraded to a detachment or battalion, proposing optimal budget support, equipping special equipment for CBRNE, and increasing the human capacity resources of Pusziad CBRNE Company personnel. Therefore, against the backdrop of increasing perceptions of biological threats in Indonesia, Pusziad CBRNE Company needs to improve its organization, personnel capabilities, and equipment, so that Pusziad CBRNE Company has reliable capabilities supported by a proportional organization with professional personnel and sophisticated equipment.

Keywords: Nuclear biology and chemistry (CBRNE), Biological Threats, Covid-19 Pandemic, Capabilities and Strategies


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Cara Mengutip

Rizki, N., Gumilar, N., & Edhie, I. S. (2022). STRATEGY OF THE ARMY NUBIKA ZENI COMPANY TO FACE THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Strategi Dan Kampanye Militer (SKM), 8(1), 70–94.