
  • A. Awwaluddin Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Yusuf Ali Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Andi Arman Universitas Pertahanan RI



This study aims to analyze the optimal strategy in improving the regeneration of Indonesian Army (TNI AD) aviator officers to support the tasks of the Army. In this evolving era, the Indonesian Army faces complex challenges that require strong regeneration in its personnel, especially in terms of flight officers who have an important role in supporting military operations and national defense. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. The data used consisted of literature, policy documents, and interviews with relevant parties within the Army. The results of the analysis show that there are several strategies that can be applied to improve the regeneration of TNI AD flight officers. Among them are improving selection and recruitment by involving a comprehensive assessment of physical abilities, intelligence, leadership and relevant technical skills, developing effective education and training programs that involve a combination of academic education with intensive and realistic field exercises, developing adequate infrastructure and facilities for flight training, and a clear and sustainable career development program for flight officers. In order to improve the regeneration of Indonesian Army flight officers, the implementation of these strategies needs to be supported by a strong commitment from the government and related institutions. Through a holistic and sustainable approach, it is hoped that the Army can have a strong regeneration of aviator officers who are ready to face increasingly complex tasks in the future


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Cara Mengutip

Awwaluddin, A., Ali, Y., & Arman, A. (2023). REGENERASI PERWIRA PENERBANG ANGKATAN DARAT. Strategi Pertahanan Darat (JSPD), 9(2), 22–39.