
  • Bambang Prasetyo Universitas Pertahanan RI



The rapid development of information and communication technology has implications for the development of cyber life and has opened doors for those intent on achieving criminal aims. Namely, identity theft, cyber blackmail, fraud, data leakage and numbers of cyber crime that in fact they can be so expansive where could harm entire nations.1 Thus, cyber security measures play important role in restraining cyber threats. Indonesian Armed Forces is an military organization whose plays role in constructing sustainable cyber security. It is associated to the effort to protect various national defense entities related to fast response towards threats landscape. This makes the importanc of the readiness of the Indonesian Armed Forces Headquartes Operations in dealing with cyber warfare. This research was conducted to analyze the development of cyber warfare in the Indonesian Armed Forces (2018), the level of readiness of operations of the Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarters in dealing with cyber warfare and the formulation of strategies in improving the readiness operations of the Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarters in dealing with cyber warfare. In order to achieve those objectives, this research was conducted using qualitative methodes with data collection technique of obeservation, related documents review and in-depth interviews. The results of the study found that the development of information and communication technology had the implications on the increasingly massive cyber warfare in Indonesian Armed Forces, specifically the efforts of groups or organizations or countries to collect information, vandalism and sabotage. In addition, the readiness of the Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarters operation in dealing with cyber warfare is divided into two, namely offensive readiness and defensive readiness. Defensive readiness related to how Operations Staff conduct the internet security, ICT security, information security, while offensive readiness is related to digital security such as counter attacks. As for the readiness of the Indonesian Army Headquarters Operations, there are still problems with the limited bbudget, infrastructure and human resources. The strategy to improve readiness is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of readiness. While the strategy in budgets facet is by setting priority scale according to operating needs. The infrastructure strategy is to procure in stages with measuring software and hardware independence in cyber warfare..



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Cara Mengutip

Prasetyo, B. (2022). KESIAPAN OEPRSI CYBER WARFARE MARKAS BESAR TNI ANGKATAN DARAT 2018. Strategi Pertahanan Darat (JSPD), 8(2), 72–100.