
  • Ali Isnaini Universitas Pertahanan RI



This study examines natural disaster management also involving TNI units in accordance with TNI duties in Military Operations Besides War. Use of TNI AD units to assist the government in overcoming and overcoming natural disasters involving various types of units including the 11th Construction Engineering Battalion. The Zeni Battalion is an important element in disaster management because it has the capability and function in emergency response and disaster mitigation operations. However, the biggest problem right now is that Yonzikon 11 / DW still does not meet the right standards in dealing with natural disasters. The role of construction undertaken by Yonzikon 11 / DW is still far from the expectations of the government and the community as instruments for dealing with natural disasters on the ground, so research on the Yonzikon 11 / DW strategy in dealing with national natural disasters is needed. This study used qualitative research methods. Analysis of the validity and reliability of the data is done by triangulation. The results showed that the strategy of using the 11th Construction Engineering Battalion in dealing with national natural disasters was a policy carried out by the TNI leadership to be able to support and respond quickly to government policies in dealing with national natural disasters. Therefore, it is recommended that the implementation of the policy for the use of the 11th Construction Engineering Battalion in the face of national natural disasters requires an increase in the aspects of training, equipment, personnel, infrastructure, doctrine and concepts, organization, information, and logistics so that policies can be implemented according to context and content in support government to tackle national natural disasters.



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Cara Mengutip

Isnaini, A. (2022). STRATEGI BATALYON ZENI KONSTRUKSI 11/DW UNTUK MENGHADAPI BENCANA ALAM. Strategi Pertahanan Darat (JSPD), 8(2), 101–121.