Interoperabilitas Peralatan Komunikasi Elektronika di Wilayah Kerja Lantamal V Surabaya dalam Mendukung Tugas Pokok Koarmatim


  • Untung Sukoco Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan
  • Harangan Sitorus Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan
  • Suyono Thamrin Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan



Abstrak -- Interoperabilitas merupakan kemampuan berbagai ragam sistem untuk bekerja sama dan kemampuan sebuah sistem untuk bekerja atau digunakan oleh sistem lain. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis karakteristik hardware, network dan brainware pada peralatan komunikasi elektronika di wilayah kerja Lantamal V Surabaya dalam mendukung tugas pokok Koarmatim. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan desain penelitian melakukan wawancara dan observasi dilanjutkan dengan analisis data primer dan sekunder. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan adanya perbedaan alat komunikasi yang dimiliki oleh Lantamal V Surabaya karena pengadaannya dari merek yang berbeda, peralatan yang sudah tua dan kurangnnya kuota internet guna mendukung kelancaran operasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadinya gangguan komunikasi yang terjadi pada saat melaksanakan latihan atau operasi gabungan disebabkan oleh adanya karakteristik hardware, network dan brainware. Secara keseluruhan permasalahan yang paling utama mempengaruhi kelancaran komunikasi terbatasnya anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk pengadaan alat komunikasi elektronika di Lantamal V Surabaya dan Lanal-lanal dibawahnya, serta kurangnya jumlah personel pengawak alat komunikasi di KRI dan Pangkalan.

Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Elektronika, Interoperabilitas, Wilayah kerja Lantamal V


Abstract -- Interoperability is the ability of various systems to work together and the ability of a system to work or be used by other systems. This research is aimed to analyze the characteristics of hardware, network and brainware on electronic communications equipment in the work area of Main Naval Base V Surabaya in support of Eastern Fleet Command main task. The research was conducted by qualitative descriptive method with research design conducted interview and observation followed by primary and secondary data analysis. From the results of this study found the difference of communication tools owned by Lantamal V Surabaya because the procurement of different brands, equipment that is old and the lack of internet quota in order to support the smooth operation. From the results of this study can be concluded that the occurrence of communication disturbances that occur during the exercise or joint operation is caused by the characteristics of hardware, network and brainware and communication tools that have not been standard in accordance with the needs of the base which, gradually the differences and shortcomings of unified communications will be met gradually based on a priority scale tailored to the available budget. In facilitating interoperability between the dimensions there is still no manual or standard rules governing the use of radio frequency communication that can be used together in carrying out the task of joint operation or interen Navy. Overall, the most important problems affect the smooth communication of the limited budget allocated for the procurement of electronic communications equipment in Lantamal V Surabaya and the underlying Naval Base, as well as the lack of communications equipment comrade personnel in the KRI and main Naval Base.Keywords: Electronic Communication, Interoperability, Working Area Lantamal V

Biografi Penulis

Untung Sukoco, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan

Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan

Harangan Sitorus, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan

Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan

Suyono Thamrin, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan

Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan


Daftar Pustaka

Bohlander & Snell, Introduction To Human Resource Management, (2010)

Borman (1989), Cragan & Shieids (1998): The Matematical Theory of


Creswell, Research Design, Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan Campuran, 2016 Penerbit Pustaka Pelajar, Jakarta

Hasibuan, manajemen sumber daya manusia (2013)

Merriam Webster Dictionary “Definition of Interoperability (1989)

Johnson dalam Bhat (2010), “interoperability is the ability of the repository system to provide access to its content through multiple search engines and other data discovery tools.”

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Cara Mengutip

Sukoco, U., Sitorus, H., & Thamrin, S. (2017). Interoperabilitas Peralatan Komunikasi Elektronika di Wilayah Kerja Lantamal V Surabaya dalam Mendukung Tugas Pokok Koarmatim. Jurnal Strategi Pertahanan Laut, 3(3).

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