Understanding democracy in the national interest amidst the dynamics of the strategic environment is VUCA


  • Rizqi Hidayat DPPKAD Kabupaten Ponorogo
  • Deni D.A.R Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Sutrimo Sumarlan Universitas Pertahanan RI




The dynamics of the development of the strategic environment is very rapid by experiencing VUCA conditions which are heavily influenced by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity that occur in almost every country, therefore the need for tactics from a country through understanding in order to create interests that will be achieved by a country, understanding Democracy is an understanding that is highly appreciated by the world, because with democracy humans prioritize their rights, like a double-edged knife that has benefits for human life, the development of democracy can also be used for crimes, such as the development of radicalism, proxy wars and crime using high technology, including the current global problem of the Covid-19 outbreak that can change the pattern of a country's strategic environmental system, the research method used is descriptive qualitative method, using data sources from reports, print media, and online media. The results of research on Democracy in achieving national interests in the midst of the dynamics of the VUCA strategic environment are very wary of because they can change the stability of a country's defense and security.


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