Efektivitas Strategi Counterinsurgency “Oplan Bayanihan” di Filipina


  • Maringan Simorangkir Program Studi Peperangan Asimetris Universitas Pertahanan




Abstrak - Kelompok Insurjensi di Filipina tidak muncul dalam waktu dekat, melainkan sejak awal merdekanya Republik Filipina. Dengan kemunculan beberapa kelompok insurjensi, maka Filipina telah beberapa kali melakukan strategi counterinsurgency hingga akhirnya pada masa Pemerintahan Benigno Aquino III, muncullah strategi “Oplan Bayanihan” sebagai konsep strategis untuk menghadapi insurjensi. Namun, strategi ini tidak begitu saja lahir karena Presiden Aquino III sendiri telah mengklaim adanya keberlanjutan kebijakan dan strategi pemimpin sebelumnya dalam hal ini sehingga penulis menyebut “Oplan Bayanihan” ini sebagai strategi revolusi dalam konteks counterinsurgency di Filipina. Dalam tulisan ini, dijelaskan bagaimana Oplan Bayanihan dapat menjadi penerus strategi counterinsurgency yang berpengaruh besar bagi keamanan dan perdamaian internal, serta sejauh mana efektivitasnya terhadap sistem keamanan di Filipina. Selain itu, penulis juga sedikit menyinggung strategi counterinsurgency di Indonesia sebagai studi komparasi agar menemukan solusi penyelesaian konflik insurjensi yang tepat.

Kata Kunci: insurjensi, counterinsurgency, Oplan Bayanihan, sistem keamanan Filipina


Abstract  - Insurgency groups in the Philippines does not appear in the near future, but since the beginning of the independence of the Republic of the Philippines. With the emergence of several insurgency groups, the Philippines has made several counterinsurgency strategy until finally the Government of Benigno Aquino III, comes the strategy of "Oplan Bayanihan" as a strategic concept to face the insurgency. However, this strategy does not just born since President Aquino III himself has claimed their sustainability policy and strategy of the previous leader in this regard so that the author calls "Oplan Bayanihan" is a revolutionary strategy in the context of counterinsurgency in the Philippines. In this paper, it is explained how the Oplan Bayanihan counterinsurgency strategy could be the successor to a major influence on internal peace and security, as well as the extent to which the effectiveness of the security system in the Philippines. In addition, the authors also slightly offensive counterinsurgency strategy in Indonesia as a comparative study in order to find solutions appropriate conflict resolution insurgency.

Keywords: insurjensi, counterinsurgency, Oplan Bayanihan, the security system of the Philippines

Biografi Penulis

Maringan Simorangkir, Program Studi Peperangan Asimetris Universitas Pertahanan

Program Studi Peperangan Asimetris Universitas Pertahanan


Daftar Pustaka

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Cara Mengutip

Simorangkir, M. (2017). Efektivitas Strategi Counterinsurgency “Oplan Bayanihan” di Filipina. Peperangan Asimetris (PA), 3(1). https://doi.org/10.33172/pa.v3i1.93