
  • Dwi Wahyu Irianto Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Sovian Aritonang Universitas Pertahanan RI
  • Ansori Ansori Universitas Pertahanan RI



The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) as an integral part of the Indonesian National Army plays a crucial role in maintaining and defending the sovereignty of the nation. However, the TNI AU faces several challenges in maintaining air to ground missiles, which are a vital part of the air defense system. Challenges such as limited maintenance facilities, the quality and quantity conditions of personnel, and insufficient software affect the implementation of maintenance. Therefore, this research will examine the maintenance strategy of air to ground missiles in order to increase the operational readiness and training of the TNI AU in maintaining the security of Indonesian airspace. The research method used is qualitative, using a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to missile maintenance. This research is conducted at Maintenance Depot 60 with informants chosen purposively. The results of the SWOT analysis will be used as a reference in determining the strategy in the maintenance of air to ground missiles. It is concluded that maintenance facilities, personnel, and software significantly influence the implementation of air to ground missile maintenance


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How to Cite

Irianto, D. W., Aritonang, S., & Ansori, A. (2023). PEMELIHARAAN RUDAL AIR TO GROUND DALAM RANGKA MENDUKUNG TUGAS TNI AU. Strategi Dan Kampanye Militer (SKM), 9(2), 17–39.